AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH my head hurts. And I'm sure many of you are asking why I'm on the cpu if that's the truth. I
I'm such a moron. I just won't talk for a little bit because of my moronicness. It's like, seriously, am I really that dumb? I mean, I knew I was concrete...but COME ON. Pretty unbelievable. And I have to have a huge mouth. So I just won't talk about that particular subject and I hope it won't come up.
Tyler still has a singing talent, however.
Oh wait, I forgot. He's dead.
I didn't soap yesterday. Oops, my bad. WRITER'S BLOCK IS EVIL! And I'm getting a little tired of spending an hour and a half of my day trying to think up witty dialogue that isn't even that witty. And Natalie's gasping gets on my nerves. Grr.
Hey, my head stopped pounding.
GAAAAAAAAH for ONCE, pleeeeeeeease buy us the pepperoni kind!
Hey, we bought French Bread in a regular French Bread package and it was SOURDOUGH!
We rented "Cinderella Story" and "Shrek 2". Just thought I'd say that. Apparently my perfect prince is Austin Ames and my perfect princess is Sam. Which is just...wrong.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Today was the first time I've been to See You At the Pole. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! I didn't know there were so many Christians at are school! Well, 2 dozen isn't a lot, I guess, but COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Some of the staff went, too. And some of the people I didn't even know existed, so it's like, "HEY, I'm Lauren, Sister in Christ." It felt cool just being there. *pause* COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
I just got my new Bible. Exactly like my old one...only blue and orange. Not NKJ, but *smiles* COOOOOOL.
Why is everyone congregating in the halls by or outside my locker? AAAAAAGH. I kind of shoved a football player today cuz he and his friends were practicing by my locker. No, not nice. BAD BAD BAD. And he was like, "He- Oh." He can't do anything. CUZ I'M A GIRL. Hehehe.
Your house: *average looking house* Your lender: *Trailer park* Your buyer: *log cabin* Your Appraiser: *falling apart shack* Your Tax Assessor: *big mansion* Lol, that was an e-mail my grandma sent me. I tried to forward it to people, but it went as a blank e-mail. DUMB. I can forward anything on my cpu as long as there are no images and images are half the FUN. Darnit. But it was funny. However, I don't feel like uploading any pictures. heheh.
I HAVE A TALENT! I EXCELL AT MARIO!!!!!!! Well, kind of. I beat three worlds in 1 hour. I WAS on world 7 but I couldn't beat the Airship, so I was like, "WHATEVER," and started a new game. I haven't gotten the magic whistle or the anchor, but I'm still...KIND OF GOOD!!!!!!
I just got my new Bible. Exactly like my old one...only blue and orange. Not NKJ, but *smiles* COOOOOOL.
Why is everyone congregating in the halls by or outside my locker? AAAAAAGH. I kind of shoved a football player today cuz he and his friends were practicing by my locker. No, not nice. BAD BAD BAD. And he was like, "He- Oh." He can't do anything. CUZ I'M A GIRL. Hehehe.
Your house: *average looking house* Your lender: *Trailer park* Your buyer: *log cabin* Your Appraiser: *falling apart shack* Your Tax Assessor: *big mansion* Lol, that was an e-mail my grandma sent me. I tried to forward it to people, but it went as a blank e-mail. DUMB. I can forward anything on my cpu as long as there are no images and images are half the FUN. Darnit. But it was funny. However, I don't feel like uploading any pictures. heheh.
I HAVE A TALENT! I EXCELL AT MARIO!!!!!!! Well, kind of. I beat three worlds in 1 hour. I WAS on world 7 but I couldn't beat the Airship, so I was like, "WHATEVER," and started a new game. I haven't gotten the magic whistle or the anchor, but I'm still...KIND OF GOOD!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH that's how it felt in science. We were supposed to correct these tests and the teacher was only going ONE ANSWER AT A TIME!!!! If he'd put all the answers on the board, I would've been happier. I only missed 6. I corrected this one dude's paper and they got like -28. Wow...
The kids on Extreme Home Makeover did the FRESH PRINCE DANCE. "Doo. Doo doo doo. Doo doo JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT!" And everyone was playing that in band. Finally, Mr. Faxon was like, "You can jump on it after class, which was kind of funny."
The OTHER Lauren called me white and nerdy. Well YOU'RE TAN AND GEEKY. Lol. Jared thinks I've lost it. He has no idea... Mwahaha.
The kids on Extreme Home Makeover did the FRESH PRINCE DANCE. "Doo. Doo doo doo. Doo doo JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT! JUMP ON IT!" And everyone was playing that in band. Finally, Mr. Faxon was like, "You can jump on it after class, which was kind of funny."
The OTHER Lauren called me white and nerdy. Well YOU'RE TAN AND GEEKY. Lol. Jared thinks I've lost it. He has no idea... Mwahaha.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Awww...bye bye, chocolate chips!
Today was a trying day. Jessica and I were making a map of the campus for science and when we were done, we showed Mr. Anderson. Then Kenny comes up and he's like, "That's HORRIBLE. It doesn't even have a key. It sucks." WTH? Who even ASKED you? Oh, that's right, NO ONE. And then he grabs his ruler and is all measuring it and stuff, probably to see if it was correct. And Jessica and I did need to add trees, but then Kenny goes and totally copies our map. Grrrr, you tick me off. You MORE than tick me off. VERGING on PO'ed. But I'm not allowed to be PO'ed and it's not really a good thing to be, BUT COME ON. Maybe I should join that anger management group at school.
I'm picking a name for French. I still haven't decided which language I'm taking, but I want to see what I should name myself if I do take French. Not Marcel, that's Spanish. Darnit. MAHCEL THE CAT! Or, if Victor is an option, I'm so using that. Tho I can't use the Bulgarian spelling. :( I'll have to be Victor Crumb instead of Viktor Crumb. WHY ARE GUY NAMES COOLER THAN GIRL NAMES? Unfair. Ew, pink used to be considered a masculine color cuz it was a form of red while blue was more "delicate". DING! Welcome to the next century, how may I help you?
NATALIE'S A FRENCH NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so my French name. SWEEEEEET.
Cross Country. 8 seconds better. Yeah. Nothing can stop me!
...except an 11 problem math assignment with a dumb curriculum that gives us like 10 parts per problem.
"You didn't finish your math homework?" "IT WAS 80 PAGES LONG!" "I only gave you 10 problems?" "Let's see, 10 x 10 = what?"
Today was a trying day. Jessica and I were making a map of the campus for science and when we were done, we showed Mr. Anderson. Then Kenny comes up and he's like, "That's HORRIBLE. It doesn't even have a key. It sucks." WTH? Who even ASKED you? Oh, that's right, NO ONE. And then he grabs his ruler and is all measuring it and stuff, probably to see if it was correct. And Jessica and I did need to add trees, but then Kenny goes and totally copies our map. Grrrr, you tick me off. You MORE than tick me off. VERGING on PO'ed. But I'm not allowed to be PO'ed and it's not really a good thing to be, BUT COME ON. Maybe I should join that anger management group at school.
I'm picking a name for French. I still haven't decided which language I'm taking, but I want to see what I should name myself if I do take French. Not Marcel, that's Spanish. Darnit. MAHCEL THE CAT! Or, if Victor is an option, I'm so using that. Tho I can't use the Bulgarian spelling. :( I'll have to be Victor Crumb instead of Viktor Crumb. WHY ARE GUY NAMES COOLER THAN GIRL NAMES? Unfair. Ew, pink used to be considered a masculine color cuz it was a form of red while blue was more "delicate". DING! Welcome to the next century, how may I help you?
NATALIE'S A FRENCH NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so my French name. SWEEEEEET.
Cross Country. 8 seconds better. Yeah. Nothing can stop me!
...except an 11 problem math assignment with a dumb curriculum that gives us like 10 parts per problem.
"You didn't finish your math homework?" "IT WAS 80 PAGES LONG!" "I only gave you 10 problems?" "Let's see, 10 x 10 = what?"
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I'm a cat cat cat
I just know something about dancing, and dancing...
Cat? I'm a kitty cat!
Yeah. And I got the LLAMA SONG!
Here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama, fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama llama, llama llama, DUCK.
I spent like the whole day playing the dumb Romance game (SHALLOW!!!!! but fun) and looking at baby name books. I DON'T KNOW WHY. But I was like seeing all these awesome names and I was like, "Oh, I'm SO naming my first kid that." Except my mom didn't like Remus. Hello, Remus LUPIN? But that's implying I have kids. Also implying I get married. Which I don't have the maturity for right now. I just want kids. *steals some* where did these come from? But yeah. There's always Oliver. And I like Athena, but I'm not Greek Orthodox. Oops. Lol, "Andrea" rules. Means "ideal woman". Yep. Try funny. And awesome.
Cat? I'm a kitty cat!
I just know something about dancing, and dancing...
Cat? I'm a kitty cat!
Yeah. And I got the LLAMA SONG!
Here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama, fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama llama, llama llama, DUCK.
I spent like the whole day playing the dumb Romance game (SHALLOW!!!!! but fun) and looking at baby name books. I DON'T KNOW WHY. But I was like seeing all these awesome names and I was like, "Oh, I'm SO naming my first kid that." Except my mom didn't like Remus. Hello, Remus LUPIN? But that's implying I have kids. Also implying I get married. Which I don't have the maturity for right now. I just want kids. *steals some* where did these come from? But yeah. There's always Oliver. And I like Athena, but I'm not Greek Orthodox. Oops. Lol, "Andrea" rules. Means "ideal woman". Yep. Try funny. And awesome.
Cat? I'm a kitty cat!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Has it really been so long?
Apparently it has. I need to blog more. Or less. Whatever tickles your fancy. Meep.
CORN MAZE! We went corn mazin'. It was pretty fun, tho we found the end rather quickly, thanks to my Indian War Pony. So we got lost again. And saw the evil cow. Who left presents for us. Gross. CRAP ON MY PANTS! GAAAAH! And I guess we ticked Emily off cuz she ran away, and then came back saying she'd found 5 and we were like, "Oh you are most skilled, wise one." But my dad wouldn't let me pay for it? My mom was like, "It's gonna cost $5," so I was like, "Okay," and brought 5 bucks, but my dad's like, "No," and wouldn't let me pay for it. Like last night, at Dairy Queen, he's like, "No, you can't pay for it." Or he wouldn't let me rent Harry Potter. And then I was like, "Let's go to Coldstone, I have money," and he's like, "No." Um...isn't the point of having an allowance to teach us to spend wisely. He was like, "No, that's frivolous." I WANNA BE FRIVOLOUS SOMETIMES! And I'm saving up, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna spend money on Coldstone. IT'S COLDSTONE. And since Mom got mad at paying for all my youth events, I was like, "Okay, I'll start paying," so LET ME.
The lady at the maze saw my pony and asked if I had a horse. *sigh* Nay, I do not have a horse. A country bumpkin like me is not deserving of a horse. people were like horse potato experts. So I must be a city bumpkin. Or not a bumpkin... What is a bumpkin, anyways?
Tyler: *come back from the dead* STOP SAYING BUMPKIN ALREADY!
Me: TYLER, YOU'RE ALIVE! *lunges at image*
Tyler: *vanishes*
Wait...being the writer of that particular soap, I could bring him back from the dead, but whether I do or not, I'm not going to yet. Maybe never. Man, my grammar's bad. But I noticed none of you were very sad when he died. Maybe that's cuz no one reads my blog(s). LAMENT, LAMENT, I WANT YOU TO LAMENT! *grrr*
DANG, they don't have the "Spirit Stallion of the Cimmaron Lakota Village" playset on eBay! How am I supposed to find "it" when "it"'s not on eBay????? I WANT IT! Cuz that's the one with Blue Circle and Hoofbeats and Apache AND Rain AND Little Creek (freak) and a lot of other...uh...INDIANS. Winter playset, my foot.
CORN MAZE! We went corn mazin'. It was pretty fun, tho we found the end rather quickly, thanks to my Indian War Pony. So we got lost again. And saw the evil cow. Who left presents for us. Gross. CRAP ON MY PANTS! GAAAAH! And I guess we ticked Emily off cuz she ran away, and then came back saying she'd found 5 and we were like, "Oh you are most skilled, wise one." But my dad wouldn't let me pay for it? My mom was like, "It's gonna cost $5," so I was like, "Okay," and brought 5 bucks, but my dad's like, "No," and wouldn't let me pay for it. Like last night, at Dairy Queen, he's like, "No, you can't pay for it." Or he wouldn't let me rent Harry Potter. And then I was like, "Let's go to Coldstone, I have money," and he's like, "No." Um...isn't the point of having an allowance to teach us to spend wisely. He was like, "No, that's frivolous." I WANNA BE FRIVOLOUS SOMETIMES! And I'm saving up, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna spend money on Coldstone. IT'S COLDSTONE. And since Mom got mad at paying for all my youth events, I was like, "Okay, I'll start paying," so LET ME.
The lady at the maze saw my pony and asked if I had a horse. *sigh* Nay, I do not have a horse. A country bumpkin like me is not deserving of a horse. people were like horse potato experts. So I must be a city bumpkin. Or not a bumpkin... What is a bumpkin, anyways?
Tyler: *come back from the dead* STOP SAYING BUMPKIN ALREADY!
Me: TYLER, YOU'RE ALIVE! *lunges at image*
Tyler: *vanishes*
Wait...being the writer of that particular soap, I could bring him back from the dead, but whether I do or not, I'm not going to yet. Maybe never. Man, my grammar's bad. But I noticed none of you were very sad when he died. Maybe that's cuz no one reads my blog(s). LAMENT, LAMENT, I WANT YOU TO LAMENT! *grrr*
DANG, they don't have the "Spirit Stallion of the Cimmaron Lakota Village" playset on eBay! How am I supposed to find "it" when "it"'s not on eBay????? I WANT IT! Cuz that's the one with Blue Circle and Hoofbeats and Apache AND Rain AND Little Creek (freak) and a lot of other...uh...INDIANS. Winter playset, my foot.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
By the way...
To quote the awesome Nicole:
"Grape vines, grape vines"
To quote the awesome Nicole:
"Grape vines, grape vines"
"Look, Gwenne! MOONRASCALS!"
HAHAHAHAHA another memorable quote from "The Door Within". I actually finished that and it was an okay the many exclamation points, stupid stolen plot points, and overdramatic main characters. But I'm reading the second one anyways? How is that possible if I hated the first one. Meep.
Today was a pretty good day. 1st and 6th period TOOK FOREVER!!!! AND I have science homework.
Kid in class: *says Jesus*
Me: *wants to beat up kid*
My friends: *like Jesus-saying kid*
Me: *still wanting to beat up kid*
That's BASICALLY how I felt.
I STINK AT BASKETBALL. My jump shot: stinks. My layups: stink. My dribbling: not bad. My over all basketball ability: BAD. And Johnson was WATCHING me during PE and he's all, "Lay it up!" And I was like, "Um, no?" And he's all, "If you want to play basketball, the words 'I can't' are no longer in your vocabulary." And I was like, "Can I replace them with 'I suck'?" CUZ IT'S TRUE. And as I was leaving, he was like, "Work on it, Laurelai." It was like he tried to say my first name and last name at the same time. Which was kinda funny. Like when I said Pheeeeeeeleeadaylehpeeaaaa.
Today was a pretty good day. 1st and 6th period TOOK FOREVER!!!! AND I have science homework.
Kid in class: *says Jesus*
Me: *wants to beat up kid*
My friends: *like Jesus-saying kid*
Me: *still wanting to beat up kid*
That's BASICALLY how I felt.
I STINK AT BASKETBALL. My jump shot: stinks. My layups: stink. My dribbling: not bad. My over all basketball ability: BAD. And Johnson was WATCHING me during PE and he's all, "Lay it up!" And I was like, "Um, no?" And he's all, "If you want to play basketball, the words 'I can't' are no longer in your vocabulary." And I was like, "Can I replace them with 'I suck'?" CUZ IT'S TRUE. And as I was leaving, he was like, "Work on it, Laurelai." It was like he tried to say my first name and last name at the same time. Which was kinda funny. Like when I said Pheeeeeeeleeadaylehpeeaaaa.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
GAAAAAAAH I'm reading some REALLY stupid series that's totally a ripoff of C.S. Lewis and Narnia and all that. And the author's supposedly a Christian (well, I don't disagree that he is) and the book's some stupid allegory, but it's not that well written and it's REALLY DUMB. Tho there were some pretty memorable quotes. I mean...HE SAYS "BEASTIES!" And I forgot the other ones, but they were REALLY FUNNY. For an overdramatic myopic loser. BUT HEY.
Ew, Oliver looks like a cross between a girl, and elf,, I won't say it, it's mean.
Lol, funny HP icons. Cedric: *stops Harry* I CAN'T QUIT YOU, HARRY POTTER. And Snape: *swishing hair* Loreal...cuz I'm worth it. GAAH I'M OBSESSED. I don't know why LOTR isn't as big a craze as HP. Well, actually, I do. *SOB*
ANNOYING GUYS STILL IN STUDY HALL. And one got mad when I suggested to Jose (I don't know, does he still go by Angel? He's gone kind of emo...but he doesn't act emo?) and Chris that the ninth graders were scary cuz they acted high all the time and annoying man #1 was all, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?" And he meant about BEING HIGH ALL THE TIME. Um, gee, haven't you taken AIDS CLASSES YET?
Dum de dum de dum NO I DID NOT SOAP TODAY AND I WON'T TILL TOMORROW UNLESS I HAVE TO CRAM FOR PIANO WHICH I PROBABLY WILL I HAVE WRITER'S BLOCK, but if any of y'all have some good movie or song suggestions (for my planner...don't ask), I would be REALLY HAPPY. *hint hint* Not like anyone reads this blog. BUT PLEEEEEASE! I've run out of ideas. Thanks.
Ew, Oliver looks like a cross between a girl, and elf,, I won't say it, it's mean.
Lol, funny HP icons. Cedric: *stops Harry* I CAN'T QUIT YOU, HARRY POTTER. And Snape: *swishing hair* Loreal...cuz I'm worth it. GAAH I'M OBSESSED. I don't know why LOTR isn't as big a craze as HP. Well, actually, I do. *SOB*
ANNOYING GUYS STILL IN STUDY HALL. And one got mad when I suggested to Jose (I don't know, does he still go by Angel? He's gone kind of emo...but he doesn't act emo?) and Chris that the ninth graders were scary cuz they acted high all the time and annoying man #1 was all, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?" And he meant about BEING HIGH ALL THE TIME. Um, gee, haven't you taken AIDS CLASSES YET?
Dum de dum de dum NO I DID NOT SOAP TODAY AND I WON'T TILL TOMORROW UNLESS I HAVE TO CRAM FOR PIANO WHICH I PROBABLY WILL I HAVE WRITER'S BLOCK, but if any of y'all have some good movie or song suggestions (for my planner...don't ask), I would be REALLY HAPPY. *hint hint* Not like anyone reads this blog. BUT PLEEEEEASE! I've run out of ideas. Thanks.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Finding emo
I WANT THAT SHIRT! Heather was wearing it and I was like, "AAAAAH that's FUNNY," and she was like, "...." But yeah. I want it. Pretty badly.
PRETTY SWEET spent the day with Emily, Emily, Amber, and Sara last night, which was cool. Riley is my homie. Even tho he makes scary bear noises. I'm seriously wondering what species his mother really was...
But it was cool. We watched music videos and did interpretive dance. And most of you are all..."Wow, sounds" But it totally was. AND WE WATCHED "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL". SING-A-LONG VERSION. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.
Wow, these quizzes are SO DUMB. Oh, sorry.
YEAH, but it was fun. And Sara and I cracked up over Scooby Doo Barbies. Don't ask.
I wanna make a Harry Potter story. But that would be dumb. I'm already doing a soap. And if I told you what it was, everyone would steal my idea. SO DON'T.
But yeah...
I OVERSLEPT TODAY. It was bad. So I didn't wash my hair and I was like asleep in science till Tyler sandcrabbed me. Waaaah I'm tired. But I feel better now. EXCEPT FOR STUDY HALL. I hate sitting by those two freaks, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! THEY'RE SO LOUD! WEll, so am I, but I don't scream, "HEY. HEY. HEY. HEEEEY." For half an hour.
So yeah...Must go find pictures of Cole and Dylan Sprouse.
Don't ask.
PRETTY SWEET spent the day with Emily, Emily, Amber, and Sara last night, which was cool. Riley is my homie. Even tho he makes scary bear noises. I'm seriously wondering what species his mother really was...
But it was cool. We watched music videos and did interpretive dance. And most of you are all..."Wow, sounds" But it totally was. AND WE WATCHED "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL". SING-A-LONG VERSION. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.
Wow, these quizzes are SO DUMB. Oh, sorry.
YEAH, but it was fun. And Sara and I cracked up over Scooby Doo Barbies. Don't ask.
I wanna make a Harry Potter story. But that would be dumb. I'm already doing a soap. And if I told you what it was, everyone would steal my idea. SO DON'T.
But yeah...
I OVERSLEPT TODAY. It was bad. So I didn't wash my hair and I was like asleep in science till Tyler sandcrabbed me. Waaaah I'm tired. But I feel better now. EXCEPT FOR STUDY HALL. I hate sitting by those two freaks, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! THEY'RE SO LOUD! WEll, so am I, but I don't scream, "HEY. HEY. HEY. HEEEEY." For half an hour.
So yeah...Must go find pictures of Cole and Dylan Sprouse.
Don't ask.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hey sir, would you...nooo, okay...

Yeah, so we were at the mall yesterday asking people random questions. Which was pretty cool. But then we got kicked out by mall security. WE, as in me, Amber, and Emily. Rest of Youth Group: Oh, look, the freaks got kicked out by mall security. Let's go panic at the disco! *go panicking*
But it was okay...
I LOVE SEAMUS. Finally found a pretty amazing picture of him. :)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Hehe. I want a bouncing ferret icon pretty super bad. If there is one.
Um...I think that's all I wanted to say?
Besides the fact that it's...
So yeah, I'm feeling great.
But that's pretty much it. Meep.
Um...I think that's all I wanted to say?
Besides the fact that it's...
So yeah, I'm feeling great.
But that's pretty much it. Meep.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
GET THE ST. BERNARDS! *gallop gallop gallop*
I LOVE SCHOOL!!!! Except tomorrow's a whole day. And I really want it to be an early release day. Like really bad.
But today was cool.
Michael has a mohawk.
I don't wish I had a mohawk.
But it would so enhance my punk image!
:P Like I have one.
Heeeey has anyone else seen this blog? It's pretty much hilarious. The Harry Potter thing was funny. So was the Forrest Gump thing. But don't click on his links for Cleo, she has a tendency for "strong language". That is if that's a moral issue for you, but I know a lot of y'all don't even care. Just saying so that my friends don't go there and have their parents call me screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY CHILD?" Which is...NOTHING! I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOUR STUPID CHILD! I mean, lovely and beautiful child.
I feel like SOAPING! Great possibility of double episode. But not a huge change. Cuz I don't exactly want to?
But today was cool.
Michael has a mohawk.
I don't wish I had a mohawk.
But it would so enhance my punk image!
:P Like I have one.
Heeeey has anyone else seen this blog? It's pretty much hilarious. The Harry Potter thing was funny. So was the Forrest Gump thing. But don't click on his links for Cleo, she has a tendency for "strong language". That is if that's a moral issue for you, but I know a lot of y'all don't even care. Just saying so that my friends don't go there and have their parents call me screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY CHILD?" Which is...NOTHING! I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOUR STUPID CHILD! I mean, lovely and beautiful child.
I feel like SOAPING! Great possibility of double episode. But not a huge change. Cuz I don't exactly want to?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
This song's for the emo kids, walking down the street with their scary heads...
Which is totally a stereotype, since I haven't yet met any emos that are scary (okay, the tight pants? Please take them off and leave them in the garbage pants. But I haven't been like, "Ew, exorcist." And I doubt I ever will.) and I actually haven't met any emos that are depressed. SHOCKER. I've noticed (I totally saw this on an episode of Wife Swap) that the people we consider freaks have the most positive outlook on life. Which is cool. I'd rather be around these people than a lot of other "normal" people. NORMAL IS OVERRATED!
But anyways. I AM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD. AND IT'S NOT ABOUT SCHOOL. I actually LIKE school. I, in fact, LOVE SCHOOL. But yeah, I'm in a REALLY bad mood and the thing I'm mad about isn't even a new concept. I am not even kidding, I would totally go permanently emo. Actually, probably not emo. Probably goth. They have baggier stuff. Or punk, which is now in between emo and goth. But I probably couldn't pull any of those off.
A happier topic.
I love school. Even math. Even science. Even BAND. Which are some of my worst classes. Worst as in I'm not doing bad, they just bore the heck out of me. Yeaah. And I'm FINALLY getting used to math. I saw Mrs. Hurd. AKA old PE teacher. She told me not to go in the locker room. Only subtlely. So, being the concrete idiot that I am, I did. And went back out cuz there was an emergency drill in which I got stuck between the two most annoying guys in study hall. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I threw an orange at Johnson. So life is good.
DANCING WITH THE STARS RULES!!!!! I am ashamed at how much I love that show. EMMIT SMITH AND MARIO LOPEZ = best dancers on the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That hot bald dude (Joey or ...I dunno) was pretty good, too. I can't wait for everyone to be all, "OMG MARIO'S SOOO HOT!" Uh, sure. Have fun with Mario. I've got, um...Joey?
But anyways. I AM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD. AND IT'S NOT ABOUT SCHOOL. I actually LIKE school. I, in fact, LOVE SCHOOL. But yeah, I'm in a REALLY bad mood and the thing I'm mad about isn't even a new concept. I am not even kidding, I would totally go permanently emo. Actually, probably not emo. Probably goth. They have baggier stuff. Or punk, which is now in between emo and goth. But I probably couldn't pull any of those off.
A happier topic.
I love school. Even math. Even science. Even BAND. Which are some of my worst classes. Worst as in I'm not doing bad, they just bore the heck out of me. Yeaah. And I'm FINALLY getting used to math. I saw Mrs. Hurd. AKA old PE teacher. She told me not to go in the locker room. Only subtlely. So, being the concrete idiot that I am, I did. And went back out cuz there was an emergency drill in which I got stuck between the two most annoying guys in study hall. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I threw an orange at Johnson. So life is good.
DANCING WITH THE STARS RULES!!!!! I am ashamed at how much I love that show. EMMIT SMITH AND MARIO LOPEZ = best dancers on the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That hot bald dude (Joey or ...I dunno) was pretty good, too. I can't wait for everyone to be all, "OMG MARIO'S SOOO HOT!" Uh, sure. Have fun with Mario. I've got, um...Joey?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Things I have learned from the books I've read (totalling...not much)
AAAAAAAAAGH my legs hurt really bad yesterday. Mr. Eathorne made us run. And do like 68 million jumping jacks. "Okay, do one reg, one sync, alternating to ten." And then we had to do thirty second stations. I CAN'T JUMP ROPE! Maybe it's cuz someone in my group got a MIDGET rope. Me: *tripping* AAAAAAGH. Eathorne: She's not participating. Lower her grade. -_- So you can see why I might get a little mad. Grrrr...
I drew a picture of the TMNTs. It was pretty amazing for a paint picture.
There's a bbq at the Wilson's. Do I want to go? No. Why? I'm sick. *coughing, hacking* Kinda. I feel a little bit better. But I'm still sneezing like an...asthmatic? I don't know.
Okay, is it sad that I'm STILL not done with "The Two Towers"? 60 more pages. Sad...
LOL Emily sent me an awesome e-mail. "What to do when a co-worker goes on vacation. Except I've tried to forward stuff to people these past three days and they said they didn't get anything. So Marie gets nothing. Sorry Marie. I HATE INTEGRITY SO DANG BAD!
Now for what was promised in the title.
Things I've learned from the books I've read:
Bad Kitty: If there's a murder and the suspects are a supermodel, a really hot green-eyed British guy, and a crazy photographer, it's probably not any of these people. Oh, and don't stick your fingers up a wax figure's nose. They might get stuck.
The Two Towers: If you're really short (and I mean short), it's okay cuz you'll either save the entire world from pending doom or drink tree juice that makes you a foot taller.
Avalon: If some preppy freak is bothering you, it's probably because your life will later depend on her. Yeah. You know it's true. Also, if your pet wolf gets taken away by Animal Control, it's really evil wizards telling them to do it.
The Prophecy of the Stones: If you fall for a guy four years older than you, it'll most likely work out, especially if he's a general and you happen to save the entire world? Yeah...
Aha, someone has sent me a LINK. Must check it out!
I drew a picture of the TMNTs. It was pretty amazing for a paint picture.
There's a bbq at the Wilson's. Do I want to go? No. Why? I'm sick. *coughing, hacking* Kinda. I feel a little bit better. But I'm still sneezing like an...asthmatic? I don't know.
Okay, is it sad that I'm STILL not done with "The Two Towers"? 60 more pages. Sad...
LOL Emily sent me an awesome e-mail. "What to do when a co-worker goes on vacation. Except I've tried to forward stuff to people these past three days and they said they didn't get anything. So Marie gets nothing. Sorry Marie. I HATE INTEGRITY SO DANG BAD!
Now for what was promised in the title.
Things I've learned from the books I've read:
Bad Kitty: If there's a murder and the suspects are a supermodel, a really hot green-eyed British guy, and a crazy photographer, it's probably not any of these people. Oh, and don't stick your fingers up a wax figure's nose. They might get stuck.
The Two Towers: If you're really short (and I mean short), it's okay cuz you'll either save the entire world from pending doom or drink tree juice that makes you a foot taller.
Avalon: If some preppy freak is bothering you, it's probably because your life will later depend on her. Yeah. You know it's true. Also, if your pet wolf gets taken away by Animal Control, it's really evil wizards telling them to do it.
The Prophecy of the Stones: If you fall for a guy four years older than you, it'll most likely work out, especially if he's a general and you happen to save the entire world? Yeah...
Aha, someone has sent me a LINK. Must check it out!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
:) I like to play the guitar.
I do not. IT'S A LIE!
Today was a good day, too. I actually like school. Now I have all my textbooks and stuff (I think) and I just have to cover my math book.
Science is pretty cool. And almost advanced. Hard to believe this is the easy class.
My math teacher doesn't like me cuz I was reading Harry Potter while she was explaining what books were. -_-
Band was actually okay.
PE is LAME! We had to do 100 yard sprints. I know that's not a lot...but I hate running. Blah.
I LOVE LAR/SS! I say that every day. BUT IT'S TRUE. Mrs. Schultz-Story complimented my writing. :) And I was like, "Um, I'll go read Harry Potter now."
We had to watch a powerpoint on bullying yesterday. Lol, it was really funny. "There's a difference between flirting and sexual harassment. Flirting feels good; harassment feels bad." Hehehee. But we had to watch ANOTHER one today. And the ninth grade teacher didn't know how to work a powerpoint. And he kept messing it. I don't think he was supposed to say "Dangit" in front of 50 kids. He's supposed to be setting a good example. Teachers: Don't say 'dangit'. *look at paycheck* Dangit.
Today was a good day, too. I actually like school. Now I have all my textbooks and stuff (I think) and I just have to cover my math book.
Science is pretty cool. And almost advanced. Hard to believe this is the easy class.
My math teacher doesn't like me cuz I was reading Harry Potter while she was explaining what books were. -_-
Band was actually okay.
PE is LAME! We had to do 100 yard sprints. I know that's not a lot...but I hate running. Blah.
I LOVE LAR/SS! I say that every day. BUT IT'S TRUE. Mrs. Schultz-Story complimented my writing. :) And I was like, "Um, I'll go read Harry Potter now."
We had to watch a powerpoint on bullying yesterday. Lol, it was really funny. "There's a difference between flirting and sexual harassment. Flirting feels good; harassment feels bad." Hehehee. But we had to watch ANOTHER one today. And the ninth grade teacher didn't know how to work a powerpoint. And he kept messing it. I don't think he was supposed to say "Dangit" in front of 50 kids. He's supposed to be setting a good example. Teachers: Don't say 'dangit'. *look at paycheck* Dangit.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
You had a bad day...
Actually, I had a very good day.
Hold on, must practice my states...and go to the bathroom. Too much information. Sorry. Or not. Oh yes.
But my teachers are actually better than I thought they were. New band teacher = still semi gets on my nerves, but he's pretty cool. Except he did lock everyone out of the band room again. So I went through the choir room. Duh. Why I didn't think of that yesterday, I don't know.
My LAR teacher still pretty much rules. I got to write a dialogue for my "perfect birthday party" or whatever. It was lame. Or that's what everyone else would've thought. But I liked it. A dog did the robot. Which was SWEET.
We had to watch a stupid powerpoint on bullying. Yada yada yada.... That was dumb. And there was like a WHOLE flippin page on sexual harassment and what you should say if someone does something "sexual" to you. AAAAAAAAGH.
But that powerpoint was an inspiration. Now I want to make one.
But after the soap. Yes, I'm posting today. Yes, two episodes, since I didn't do one yesterday. Not like you care.
Audience: Boooooo...
Hold on, must practice my states...and go to the bathroom. Too much information. Sorry. Or not. Oh yes.
But my teachers are actually better than I thought they were. New band teacher = still semi gets on my nerves, but he's pretty cool. Except he did lock everyone out of the band room again. So I went through the choir room. Duh. Why I didn't think of that yesterday, I don't know.
My LAR teacher still pretty much rules. I got to write a dialogue for my "perfect birthday party" or whatever. It was lame. Or that's what everyone else would've thought. But I liked it. A dog did the robot. Which was SWEET.
We had to watch a stupid powerpoint on bullying. Yada yada yada.... That was dumb. And there was like a WHOLE flippin page on sexual harassment and what you should say if someone does something "sexual" to you. AAAAAAAAGH.
But that powerpoint was an inspiration. Now I want to make one.
But after the soap. Yes, I'm posting today. Yes, two episodes, since I didn't do one yesterday. Not like you care.
Audience: Boooooo...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Pardon my cake
I baked a German Chocolate cake. It had dry lumps in it. :( Sorry. But no one seemed to notice?
So it was Nathan's 18th birthday today. He can finally vote. Which isn't really a good thing. Voting = dumb. Yaaaaay... He didn't open any presents, but I got to call him a kitty.
Grandma and I listened to Red. She actually liked it.
Yeah, I don't think I mentioned I got that CD. :)
Now I'm saving up for "The Movies" or whatever.
So it was Nathan's 18th birthday today. He can finally vote. Which isn't really a good thing. Voting = dumb. Yaaaaay... He didn't open any presents, but I got to call him a kitty.
Grandma and I listened to Red. She actually liked it.
Yeah, I don't think I mentioned I got that CD. :)
Now I'm saving up for "The Movies" or whatever.
Nooo, these are MAGIC shoes!
How unmagic are my shoes? School was unprofessionially long today. -_-
All lectures and syllabi. Yup, syllabi. Apparently you're not allowed to say 'syllabuses'. Uh, sorry. It SOUNDS BETTER.
But my shoes. Not magic. Tho they look awesome. I guess it was foolish of me to think anyone would notice they're awesomeness. *sigh*
Science: I had to write an essay about myself. Other than that, long lecture that I somewhat enjoyed because it looks like I have an okay science teacher. Except he kept referring to himself in third person. I know he's not schizo, but it's scary.
Band: AAAAAAAGH I HATE IT! Sean's in my band class. Yeee... He wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't have the fight song. And he got all mad when someone couldn't find his part. New band teacher = dumb. He locks the door before and after school, so I can't put my instrument away or get it after school. So HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO PRACTICE, LOSER? Get a life. What an extremely loud idiot we have here...
PE: Not worth mentioning, bla bla bla...
Math: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH boring, I don't hate it as much as band, but it's up there. Grrrrr...
LAR/SS: LOVE THIS CLASS! We actually got to write today. I had to write a story about losing my trombone in a fire. It stunk. But it was pretty darn fun. :) I HAVE THE COOLEST TEACHER ON THE PLANET!
Study hall: Eh. Lame. But I have a cool seat. Next to Rashard Lewis. (Hehehe, not even joking)
I had a lively conversation with one of the lunch lady's about pizza. "Um, I took off all the pepperonis, that should take away some of the cost." *laughing* Eh. It was interesting.
OH I beat Legacy. AGAIN. And I got this awesome horse named DIAMOND (seriously, if you make all your horses get 100% health, you're more likely to win all the events if you do really good.) I almost won the whole thing, but I got lazy so Diamond and I got 2nd. :( Oh well. I had like 1st places the whole game. And John stood up Melissa. And danced with me. Hehehe.
All lectures and syllabi. Yup, syllabi. Apparently you're not allowed to say 'syllabuses'. Uh, sorry. It SOUNDS BETTER.
But my shoes. Not magic. Tho they look awesome. I guess it was foolish of me to think anyone would notice they're awesomeness. *sigh*
Science: I had to write an essay about myself. Other than that, long lecture that I somewhat enjoyed because it looks like I have an okay science teacher. Except he kept referring to himself in third person. I know he's not schizo, but it's scary.
Band: AAAAAAAGH I HATE IT! Sean's in my band class. Yeee... He wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't have the fight song. And he got all mad when someone couldn't find his part. New band teacher = dumb. He locks the door before and after school, so I can't put my instrument away or get it after school. So HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO PRACTICE, LOSER? Get a life. What an extremely loud idiot we have here...
PE: Not worth mentioning, bla bla bla...
Math: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH boring, I don't hate it as much as band, but it's up there. Grrrrr...
LAR/SS: LOVE THIS CLASS! We actually got to write today. I had to write a story about losing my trombone in a fire. It stunk. But it was pretty darn fun. :) I HAVE THE COOLEST TEACHER ON THE PLANET!
Study hall: Eh. Lame. But I have a cool seat. Next to Rashard Lewis. (Hehehe, not even joking)
I had a lively conversation with one of the lunch lady's about pizza. "Um, I took off all the pepperonis, that should take away some of the cost." *laughing* Eh. It was interesting.
OH I beat Legacy. AGAIN. And I got this awesome horse named DIAMOND (seriously, if you make all your horses get 100% health, you're more likely to win all the events if you do really good.) I almost won the whole thing, but I got lazy so Diamond and I got 2nd. :( Oh well. I had like 1st places the whole game. And John stood up Melissa. And danced with me. Hehehe.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Hello, my name is Sue.
I just won Western Championships for the first. Time. EVER.
They only give you two more horses to choose from, Sue and this grey mare, forgot her name, but they're super floopin oowesome. And fast. Equaling oowesome. Okay if you want to win the game, get Alpha (duh), Cocky (Cocktail. Whatever.), ZickZack (this is if you get first place for the first two) and probably Sue or something.
Nathan smashed my hand. OW.
Deoderant backpack. Hehehe.
Ebok taught us how to make bombs.
Yeah. So I've been playing Legacy a lot today. Hey. Last day of summer.
Croop. SCHOOL TOMORROW! :( Sadness.
Soap later. Yeah.
OMG, it was so lame, on Friday I was like, "Hm, I'll go look at my blog[s]." Integrity: ACCESS DENIED, THIS IS ON THE GLOBAL DENY LIST. -_- It wasn't 4 HOURS AGO. So I had to e-mail them and beg them to get it back. So now it's back. I'm happy about that. :)
Amber's gone. Or I think she's back today? Hm. Dunno.
Yes, they're sweet patchwork Converse, I've only worn them once, and no one's seen them yet, and they won't. They'll just have to wait. Hehehe.
I'm gonna wear my wangsta shoes on Sunday.
I had nursery yesterday. Olivia is making sounds that sound like threats/swear words. Jaylin is being violent. But she can say no. Like there was this book called "Snuggle Time" *shivers* and you could put a fish in his fish bowl, but whenever I did that, Jaylin would be like, "NO!" and take the fish back out. Olivia's small enough to crawl through my arm. Shocker.
I just won Western Championships for the first. Time. EVER.
They only give you two more horses to choose from, Sue and this grey mare, forgot her name, but they're super floopin oowesome. And fast. Equaling oowesome. Okay if you want to win the game, get Alpha (duh), Cocky (Cocktail. Whatever.), ZickZack (this is if you get first place for the first two) and probably Sue or something.
Nathan smashed my hand. OW.
Deoderant backpack. Hehehe.
Ebok taught us how to make bombs.
Yeah. So I've been playing Legacy a lot today. Hey. Last day of summer.
Croop. SCHOOL TOMORROW! :( Sadness.
Soap later. Yeah.
OMG, it was so lame, on Friday I was like, "Hm, I'll go look at my blog[s]." Integrity: ACCESS DENIED, THIS IS ON THE GLOBAL DENY LIST. -_- It wasn't 4 HOURS AGO. So I had to e-mail them and beg them to get it back. So now it's back. I'm happy about that. :)
Amber's gone. Or I think she's back today? Hm. Dunno.
Yes, they're sweet patchwork Converse, I've only worn them once, and no one's seen them yet, and they won't. They'll just have to wait. Hehehe.
I'm gonna wear my wangsta shoes on Sunday.
I had nursery yesterday. Olivia is making sounds that sound like threats/swear words. Jaylin is being violent. But she can say no. Like there was this book called "Snuggle Time" *shivers* and you could put a fish in his fish bowl, but whenever I did that, Jaylin would be like, "NO!" and take the fish back out. Olivia's small enough to crawl through my arm. Shocker.
Friday, September 01, 2006
AAAAAGH, you silly horse, WHERE BE YOU GOIN?
I stink at Legacy. Yesterday my up arrow got stuck and my person and horses wouldn't stop moving. It was ANNOYING. But I started over cuz the game was being dumb. And now I have Alpha, Mosaik, and Darling Ox (weird name. She scares me...).
It's weird, cuz every other level, Comet becomes Chess? o_O
I wanna find cheats. Heh heh heh. EW! I just said 'heh'! AAAH!
Hmmmm I have "ROTK" at the library. The book, not the movie. And I'm only halfway through TT. AAAGH. I need to start reading.
Hmmm...cheat codes.
Wow. School is almost starting. I'm pretty stoked. Psyched. Excited. Freaked out. o_O Hehehe. I NEED SCHOOL SUPPLIES! *gasp* I'm such a wreck. *brushes hair*
It's weird, cuz every other level, Comet becomes Chess? o_O
I wanna find cheats. Heh heh heh. EW! I just said 'heh'! AAAH!
Hmmmm I have "ROTK" at the library. The book, not the movie. And I'm only halfway through TT. AAAGH. I need to start reading.
Hmmm...cheat codes.
Wow. School is almost starting. I'm pretty stoked. Psyched. Excited. Freaked out. o_O Hehehe. I NEED SCHOOL SUPPLIES! *gasp* I'm such a wreck. *brushes hair*
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