Friday, March 31, 2006

Lauren's backyard party

Okay, this is going to be a short(er) post (haha what a lie) because Luke and I are throwing a backyard party (we're the only ones invited. I wanted Oggy to come, but he'd try to eat Luke. Not like that's a bad thing. And I didn't want Luke to come, but the party's at his house, lol) and I have to peel a carrot, find batteries for my CD player so I can blast Josie, Stellar Kart, Hawk Nelson, and Olivia at my neighbors. On my headphones maybe. And I have to find if we have ANY junk food in the house besides blue corn chips (they're good ((heavenly, delicious, etc.)) but they LOOK disgusting) and brownies (I've had four: one at lunch, two from Zech ((today was his last day of school :( )) and one that I made last night :D). I doubt it. It won't be much of a party. I'll just read "All American Girl" and listen to CDs while Luke runs around in the dog run trying to avoid being caught (which he's VERY good at). About school:
Mr. Villiers showed us the tape of him on Johnny Carson when he was 26 or something. It was so awesome. He actually had brown hair. And he looked kind of like an aboriginee/Australian tour guide. But that's a good thing. And then he won a dinner for four at a Playboy club. Gross. "I'd like...the special. *wink wink*"
Today was Zech's last day, so he gave us brownies and let us sign this autograph book thing. I wrote him a note, and then, in an attempt to outdo Toni, I wrote him a whole page. I want a blue sharpie. Really bad. Not just any blue. This blue. Or darker/purpler.
Oh boy, I feel like writing in orange again. Even tho there's not much to write. Which stinx. Have a fantabulous, #1 gun, James Bond martini-shaken-not-stirred, absolutely ripping, topping swank day. Cuz I am. :)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Benchworkers

Lol I accidentally said that when referring to "The Benchwarmers". Jon Heder's in it and I want to see it. Just like I wanted to see "Just like Heaven". But I never did see that. So there's not a strong chance I'll see this one.
There were kids (like, not 7th grade) in my gym class today. I think the boy was like in 3rd grade. He had optical white Converse hightops. At least, they had once been optical white. But they were nice anyway. And he got really excited when I said I liked them. Cuz we both had hightops. Lol. Nathan says they might have been "Child Psyche" kids. I looked at the high school catalogue and was thinking about taking that in like 3 years, but it takes up too much of your time. 3 periods. Wow. Or was that cosmetology? I can't believe you actually need a degree in barbering, tho. It's like, what are you gonna do, slice off the person's head with a razor. *barber standing there with maniacal look on his face* Buzzer: Nrrrr nrrrr nrrrrrrrr. Barber: MWAHAHA!
:P Blah Mom got "Pride and Prejudice" from Albertson's. The Keira Knightley (aaagh I can't spell her name) version, not the version with the REALLY hot Mr. Darcy and lots of tapes that were 2 million hours long. And no, not the awesome Indian "Bride and Prejudice", in which Naveen Andrews (Sayid from "Lost", of which I used to be obsessed. "Lost", not Sayid.) plays Bingley, even tho his name is like Batraj. This version was super dumb. Keira was totally over acting, and tho Darcy looked good, he didn't really act. At all. Whatsoever. And, I swear, Mr. Wickham looked JUST like Orlando Bloom in some shots. And I was like, "...Gross." Orlando and I are not friends thanks to an incident involving his sheeplike dog Moofy or whatever and my friend from Sylvan. And the last scene was gross because it was during their honeymoon (hope I didn't ruin the ending for any of you who haven't seen it, but come on, it's not like you didn't know they were going to end up together, duh. Lol, I know what some of you were thinking.) and Darcy is wearing a long shirt, BUT NO PANTS! Gross. Gross gross gross BAD PICTURES COMING TO MIND!
I feel like toast. Like eating toast. I don't feel like a piece of buttered bread. Which reminds me. I'm reading "The Two Princesses of Bamarre" for the 2nd time and I got mad: Addie is the way stronger character (tho she is kinda dumb in some parts) and she saves Meryl's blonde little life, but at the end, who gets the fortune and glory, Drualt (whom Addie said she LIKED in like the beginning of the book!), and praise for her bravery? Meryl!!! I swear, what is up with that??? AAAAH that burns my toast. Whoa, I just unknowingly quoted from "Capt. Hook". "What about the fortune and glory?" "It's in the pudding!" Topping swank, if I do say so myself.

"Aaaah, reinforcements!!!"

Paul saw a duck poster in the lunchroom and didn't fail to point it out to me. What good taste our lunchroom shows.
A slightly boring (but short) day. I can't find the today's sudoku puzzle, which is supposedly in D3. Yeah right. Speaking of sudoku, Mrs. Moon saw me doing the sudoku puzzle I'd created in my journal and told me it wasn't writing and then said I had to share. But that wasn't so bad. Because I'd already done a piece on Oprah Winfrey and stale Cheetos, Luke's plotting my death, and hunger pangs. And Mrs. Moon wasn't mad after that.
I have a HUGE stack of library books (which I've probably said like 7 times), but right now I'm reading "Blood Red Horse" and it might be about a horse, but it's SOOOOOO BORING! And the main character's brother's grooms just died. How typical. But Scott said it was a good book, so I'll keep reading it. Then again, Scott is into manga where guys dress as girls (or as he says, "chicks") and he likes Shakira. Whom my dad thinks can't sing her way out of a paper bag. But that doesn't matter, cuz she would just dance her way out. It's proven. And then I have to read a book called "A piece of heaven" or something. Looks boring. But I don't want to be like, "Nah, won't read it," cuz it was extremely tantalizing at the library and I can't chicken out now. But "Ruby Electric" was tantalizing, yet extremely dumb. And I thought she was BLONDE cuz it said in the beginning of the book, she was BLONDE! Then the rest of the time it was all, "Oh, bla bla bla, she's a RED HEAD!" And it was boring. And they said nothing about Mom and Ed at the end.
Today's not going to be too eventful (I hope): I'm just going to read (a lot), play Legacy, practice, walk Oggy, do sudoku (I hope, wish, pray), listen to the sound recording of "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (I'm trying to put a hold on the second one right now)...
A Fedex guy just dropped off an L. L. Bean package at my house. Must be Mom's. Cuz I'm not exactly into L. L. Bean. Well, they did have some good stuff, but Mom was like, "I'm not spending 20 bucks on a T-shirt." She has a point. But it was a cute T-shirt.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring sufferer

I want Spring Break. NOW! I swear, class is SOOOOOOOOO boring! Science, they had us making sculptures...OUT OF SPAGHETTI AND MINI MARSHMALLOWS! It's like, "Wow, the teachers need a break." I couldn't figure out how to build one, so I sat there for like 30 minutes before I had to copy everyone else's pyramid. It was dumb. And I got squishy marshmallows on my desk.
My left shoulder hurts. Especially when I have my shoulder bag strap on it it. Owwwwwww...
Blaaaaaah we had another WASL Writing Academy, but Mrs. Moon was teaching it so it wasn't half as boring. And we wrote like three prompts so that gave us something to do. And Mrs. Moon thought my letter to the ASB about buying new books was good. Omg, that sounded really preppy. "And she totally LOVED my paper!" Please. But I found my favorite picture book there and Mrs. Moon let me check it out and I was like, "YESSS!" But the Purple mouse is a MAN HOPPER! The whole entire book, Light Blue mouse was all staring at her, cuz he's shy, and there's like 70 PAGES of her holding hands and hugging OTHER MALE MICE! Then at the end, they're all a couple. Grrrrr I hate that mouse...
Hum hum hum....I'm bored. A lot. Very bored. So this was basically a waste of time.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pepper Ann

Guess who's going to summer school? MEEEEE!!! Well, it's not official, but it's definitely an option. And it's all the School Board's fault. I mean, if I were them, I wouldn't listen to the dotty science teachers who say that for us to become "good scientists", they need to go more in depth on the scientific method. How in depth? A WHOLE YEAR OF IN DEPTH IN DEPTHNESS!!!!! Which means I will NOT be taking French 1 and Advanced Band like I planned. No. Now that there's year long science, I have to CHOOSE and take another .5 semester class...OR go to summer school and wipe PE out of my schedule FOREVER!!!! Seriously, I just want ONE more year of band, but I don't want to have to wait to take French cuz I've already been WAITING for an entire year.
Note: If Pepper Ann is too cool for 7th grade, the world will definitely end soon. Have you seen what she wears on a daily basis? Not only that, she is the most annoying cartoon character in the history of cartoons. But not as annoying as Barbie or Carrie Ann the patron saint of Cheerleaders from "The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy". Btw, there's a new Barbie movie coming out: "Mermaidia"! How...original... (Unicornia...Fairia...MERMAIDIA! Wonder how long THAT took them. I hope Prince Nalu is in it again. He was pretty hot for a 3D mermaid.) There's also this thing about Barbie becoming a rock star.
I'M SO NAMING MY FIRST KID JOSIE! As long as there's a strong chance she'll be brunette. Because, although this wasn't to my knowledge, apparently dark haired girls between the ages of 12 and 19 are more liable to become overnight rock stars if exposed to music (rock, jazz, polka, etc.), "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants", or car mechanics by their parents/legal guardians throughout their lifetime. It's true, I've read SO many fiction novels about it!!! But if that's true...where did I go wrong? I fit that description EXACTLY!!! :( How depressing.
AAaaaaaaaaah went to the library last night and got like 25 books. But half of them were pink. Slightly gross. "Lily B. on the brink of cool" isn't exactly my idea of fun. And it wasn't. Fun, that is. It was DUMB! To the max.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Novel pending...

Yeah, since I have a lot to write about, this post is going to be kinda long. Try super long. Try novel long. Try JOHN STEINBECK LONG! Actually, he's not long, just boring. :P
Saturday: I went to Kaitlyn's house - FINALLY! We've been trying to get together for like a long time but I got sick, then we were both busy, so yeah. Anyways, we basically just did what we normally do on nights like these: eat Blimpies/ice cream, and watch movies. This time it was "Corpse Bride" (which was actually really good) and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (So long so long so long so long! ((SO LONG SO LONG SO LONG SO LONG SO LONG!)) So long so long so long so long and thanks for all the fiiiiiiiiiish!)
Sunday: Spent most of the day at Kaitlyn's. So we binged mentally on "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends", then I read one of her books. And I'm TRYING to put a hold on it now, but my cpu's being dumb and won't load the library page. :P And I can't find the sudoku puzzle GAAAAAAAAH!
Uh, my cousin came home from Japan for a week, so my parents picked me up and we went to Laceigh (sp?) to go see her WHILE LISTENING TO UCONN GETTING THEIR BUTT KICKED!!!!! MWAHAHAHA! Yeah, Memphis didn't crush UCLA like I'd hoped, so LSU needs to do it for me. Lol, I wrote a song for Adam Morrison, which I might write down later. It's totally to the tune of Bethany Dillon's "Beautiful", yeah, it's really funny.
Anyways, cousin...yeah, Emmalee got us all presents/souvenirs and I got this awesome pimpin Hello Kitty keychain (Hello Kitty's in a deer suit. No joke.) and Braeden got a frosted Hello Kitty mug. So my gratitude was dampened a little, but hey, you can't wear a mug on your pants! HA! Braeden's cool anyways. Even tho she's only 5. Yeah, Lachlan was running around and asking Grandpa for bananas. Or rather, "Baniiiis!!!!!" He's only 1, nobody's perfect.
Today: Not my best day. My stomach hurts. Badly.
Sooo, I left late for school, and I was trying to open my locker as FAST as I can and the halls are totally EMPTY, I swear! Then the bell rings JUST as I'm closing my locker, which is really sad cuz my locker is right across from Mr. Griffith's room! And Mrs. Pomeroy was like, "You're tardy!" Then she looks in the classroom and is all, "Hurry, Mr. Griffith isn't here!" So I got lucky. And I still get ice cream on the no tardy party. Hehehehe.
We had to do this project in science that was all, "Make the biggest free standing tower possible out of one sheet of paper and one loooooooong piece of tape. Mr. Griffith said mine was artistic and Renoir like. But it was like 48 inches while these other kids got smart and made theirs REALLY THIN and beat this record by like 4 inches. It was dumb, cuz the annoying girl got it and kept rubbing it in everyone's face. And then she COULD NOT take a joke! People were all, "I won, you guys stole my model, LOL." And she was like, "NOOOO I WON MR. G!!!!!!" :P
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG WE'RE PLAYING LORD OF THE RINGS IN BAND!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! I'm so excited, it's SOOOOO awesome! But when Mr. Villiers told us what it was, I flipped out, I was like, "OMG IT'S LORD OF THE RINGS! IT'SLOTRIT'SLOTRIT'SLOTR AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And Daniel was like, "What, what is it?" And Jesse was like backing away and calling a priest. Hahaha. We're also playing Sabre Dance (dumb dumb and fast; also the Aussie hair shampoo music) and Mouthpiece Mania (ROCK ON!!!! The trumpets have to play EVERYTHING on their mouthpiece! It's really funny!).
LAR: DUMB! We had to do this discussion about an essay this Indian chief wrote, and it was like 4 pages of saying, "Ooooh, us Indians live off the land, how can you live like you do, you don't love." And I was the only person in class (well, probably not the only one, but no one else voiced this opinion) that thought Chief Dan George was like, "My life sucks and it's all the fault of the white people, but it doesn't matter cuz we live better than you!" It's like so-called Christians poking you and screaming, "SINNNNNER!" Some of the things he said were true, but COME ON! He's totally holding a grudge against ALL white people and saying how bad we live, and it's like, "Not all of us are cowboys or slave traders or NUDISTS! SUCK IT UP!!!!!! You're loving, you can do that!" Well, I wouldn't have said that last part, but seriously. I have a HUGE bone to pick with him. Besides, we are giving him and all of his people an oppurtunity to live with us, we're not excluding them, but he's like, "No, we live on reservations, which = BETTER THAN YOU!!!!" :P I've been using that a lot today. BLAAAAAAH!
AAAAH my stomach hurts cuz I didn't really eat lunch, then I had two Krispy Kremes cuz my mom said I could have one and I didn't have one at breakfast, so I had two and now I feel like a laxative aaaaaaaaaah.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Do the French Twist

Big news: I now have four ways to do my hair!! Yeaaaaaaah! Not really. Lol, I was super bored yesterday and I didn't know how to do my hair, so I was going to put it up in a ponytail, then decided not to and did something with a bun thingy bob it's weird but I like it. But my hair isn't working right now, even after I brushed it for like 4 hours, and keeps messing up and breaking and stuff, so I'm waiting till it stops freaking out before I do anything to it.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm sooooooooooo bored! I did all my stupid chore/job/things (Swiffering the floor, which is WAY harder than it looks, and cleaning the rabbit cage, which only took me like 5 minutes) and don't have any good library books (I refuse to read "Crisis at Coral Reef". It will probably let me down and have Jacen like both Anja and Tenel Ka because the force is fair and allows that kind of stuff.), so I've been reading Maddie Finns since like 10:00 A.M. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I would listen to Josie but my little brother would hear and besides my singing voice isn't cut out for "3 Small words", which is my favorite song. :( I was singing "Come On" the other day and my mom was like, "What?" Lol, not really, but I've had that song in my head ALL WEEK and the lyrics are sorta questionable... I don't get it, if "King Kong" is from CleanFilms, why can't I see it? :{ Whoa I messed up, I was going to do this :P But whatever that weird messed up dog thing looks way better, tho it doesn't exactly describe how I feel, it just looks nifty. I wish "FBI files" or "The New Detectives" was on. I'll have to check.
I feel like typing ORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGE! It's not my fault, I swear, Maddie Finn OVERLOAD! But I only have 2 more books, then I'll be good for another week or so.
I'm kinda hungry. Or thirsty. But I can't drink water right after having mint gum. And I'm still bored. But I'm going to Kaitlyn's later. YAAAAAAAAAAY! I haven't seen her in like forever. Since December, I think. Or January. I think I saw her then cuz I had to pick up William and I was reading and she was like, "LAUREN!" Which reminds me, I saw Kelvin and a bunch of other people from Sylvan Way on Thursday, but Kelvin left before I could say hi. :( Which stinks cuz I haven't seen him in like 2 years. Actually, more like 1. But whatever. Lol, William's friend Kyle was all, "Whoa, did you like grow your hair out or something?" "Um...yeah..." "*turns to William* This IS your sister, right?" Hahahaha.
My typing looks like a CREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMSICLE!!!! Which we have none of. I want some ice cream.


I was so bummed last night. Why? Oh no reason...THE DAWGS LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My LAST Top Four home team...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THEY GOT KILLED IN OT AND I'M GOING TO DIE! Now I'm okay. I was going to go into mourning today, but then I realized it's just a sporting event and I didn't even touch black clothing when Katrina hit or when the Tsunami hit. So why bother? But it still stinks. Like heck.
Okay, I realize my dad hates Hollywood (cuz they're of a different political party, as in NOT republican and they don't wear any clothes and they make fun of Bush-o), but Rachael Leigh Cook and Danielle Panabaker are NOT the same person. Well, he didn't say that, but he was looking at my "Josie" album and he was like, " she's the girl from 'Sky High'." Me: *in a shocked voice* "Uh, nooooo, that's someone totally different." I haven't listened to that album in a while. I only listened to it once last week.
Speaking of albums, MEATSHAKE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Well, not yet. Nathan said he would burn it, but he's NOT YET! Whatever, more later.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Call the waaaaaaaaaambulance

That's sort of how I felt yesterday. Only I was the one crying. Why? Oh, no's only that DUKE LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what's even worse than that? ZAGS LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE YOU ADAM!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! They were all winning, then UCLA caught up and made that basket, and then that FREAK/IDIOT/NERD/POSSIBLY A JERKY FRESHMAN MISSED THE FLIPPIN THREE POINTER, ERASING ALL POSSIBILITY OF WINNING!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But I'm better today. Still a little sad. But oh well. I still have UW to cheer on (GO HUSKIES! Lol, for once in the history of MM, my home state might KILL YOU ALL! MWAHAHAHA!) and I've also decided to cheer on LSU (KILL Texas for me.) and Wichita (my dad's fault, but whatever, they're good), althought they'll never be part of my Top 4. Ever. Ever ever ever.
Yeaaaah, so I stayed home today cuz I had a low temp and swollen lymph glands (I can't swallow. Oh bla bla bla, swollen lymph glands show your body is working hard to protect you! I don't care, IT HURTS!). I thought it would rock, but once again I'm so BORED! My library stack is kinda small (three books? Bad news: "Crisis at Coral Reef" is the last book in the Young Jedi Knights series. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT JACEN? And Jaina, even though she's a dumb mechanic/stalker/obsessed with ZEKK!) and Legacy gets boring after a while, but I played for like 2 hours anyway. Monster RULES! Bonnie is pretty good, tho I don't reccommend Sunny Girl. BLAAAAAAAH SHE'S SLOOOOOOOW! And I'm probably NEVER going to get first place in the Western or Glennmountain Championships because the cpu cheats and whenever I get an award winning record setting absolutely ripping topping swank time, the judges are all, "Uh...I'm sorry, Melissa beat you by 10 seconds." She's just a computer game character, but I HATE HER! Someday I will make a website/blog dedicated to "The Legacy of Rosemond Hill" and Melissa will totally get her own page. WELCOME TO THE I HATE MELISSA FAN CLUB! Which might confuse some people cuz I know some Melissas and they'd be like, "YOU LYING..." Actually, I'd rather not repeat what they might say. As long as they let me explain. And then they can play the game. And they will, too, become addicted.
I swear, has the coolest games ever. I spent like half an hour playing "Defend your castle", but then the stupid "enemies" seized it after stage 10. I can't figure out "Cheater". Or "The Invisible Quest", which is slightly lame. Lol, I played "Musical Lantern" and I'm really bad at it, but it was fun and the music was totally that of "The Spectacular Spectacular". I have to send it to Sarai.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

"This is the best day ever..."

Okay, and I thought my best school day was when I watched movies for 3 periods in a row. As if. Today was SOOOO much better. Read on.
Science: Confronted Mr. Griffith about calling me a wallflower. And then he spelled nucleus right. Finally. And he's worried about losing all his hair if he ever dyes it green. Hmmm...
Band: Totally without music. Nothing else.
PE: Jumped rope for 6 minutes. I can't feel my legs. And I never want to hear the words "numerical order" ever again. Owww my brain hurts...
Algebra: ALGEBRA ROX!! Jordan caught the nuisance fly in a total moment of ninjaness and Mr. Jansen was all congratulating him. It was pretty much awesome. But Curtis and Dillon don't like me. I'm just an annoying sevvie girl. Hahahaha.
LAR/SS: I love this class SO much. Mrs. Moon had me share my journal and made me share the embarassing part of my dream about me and NWH holding hands in Albertson's (I'M NOT A STALKER! I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAMS!), and now Walker and Billy think I like their friend cuz he has the same name. "YOU LIKE *name withheld* ALLEN?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Gross. And then we had to write a group essay about cafeteria food and we were all cracking up and putting bad stuff, but when we read the introduction aloud, Mrs. Moon said, "I'm glad you were polite." I hope she doesn't read the rest of the essay...
THE CHIPMUNK-DUCK WAR IS FINALLY OVER! Except I don't know who won. I think I did. Cuz Paul ended it. So that means he surrenders. Even tho I was so ready to keep on fighting. But still. I WIN! And now Carver blames the writing journals for all of the Squigs, ducks, and chipmunks, and OCHANGO!
Lunch: Not really a class, but whatever. No one would give me a dollar for lemonade and I was THIRSTY! And I wanted water, but water was like a lot and I wanted lemonade more, and then I could use the bottle as a water bottle when I had drunk all the lemonade, but no one would give me a dollar. "Ask me again." "Can I have a dollar?" "*laughing* NO!"
That's basically the extent of my awesome day. Yeah.
Legacy update: I started a new game a few days ago, having given up on my last game cuz Chess STINX! Well, so does Piruette, and Magic xx is awesome, go for him. Right now I have Alpha (cuz he's WAY better than Piruette), Barbie xx, and Magic xx (both topping swank). That's how I describe today's events: Topping swank good form, oppidan scugs!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

How embarassing

My dog is licking his bed. What's up with that?
And why is everyone freaking out about the WASL? Let me rephrase that: why are all the teachers freaking out about the WASL? Those questions are EASY! One of them was given to my math class and EVERYONE figured it out. And my math class is not exactly one of the brightest, thank you. But today we were squished into the library to hear a dumb presentation on "TAPF". Which isn't even a WORD, thanks. And I was drawing, cuz I was bored, and my LAR teacher comes over and is like, "Is it polite to be writing notes in class?" "These aren't notes." "Is it polite to be drawing while someone is talking?" "" "You embarass me." Then she takes my paper and flips it over, but there's a drawing on the back, too, she she folds it in half, slams it down, and sits behind me to make sure I don't pick up my pencil for like 10 MINUTES! Whoa... And then all my friends were like, "Dude, I think she's singling you out." Sure, I was drawing and that's not the greatest thing to do during a presentation (however boring it may be). To be honest, it's dumb, but COME ON! There were like 80 other kids in there and half of them were drawing. She looked at a lot of THEIR papers, but she singles me out and gets me in trouble. Thanks.
Other than that, an okay day. In band, we watched the concert video and I read through like half of it ("Surviving the Applewhites", best book ever.). But I still had to bring my trombone home cuz my mom said I should leave it there after the concert. But I didn't even need it. Whatever. Oh well, on Friday, I don't need it whatsoever! HAHAHAHA!
My mom got me a reasonable stack of novels. And the book I'd had on hold. Yesssssssss. Quality literature time... Ew, these Nestle eggs taste fake. Lol, it's not even Easter yet and already I'm loading up on candy. In the past week, I think I've had like 5 chocolate marshmallow bunnies, Nestle eggs, a Snickers egg, Malted Milk Eggs (they were stale, my Dad got them at Walmart. :P), and LOTSA WHOPPERS!!!!!!!
I talked to a lot of people today. Paul is finally back, so I was talking to him and commenting on his windswept Harry Potter hair. But he was like, "Whatever," So that was cool.
Um...yeah...that's it I guess. Just venting. Grrr, I had lots of stuff I was going to write, but she made me forget it all. Not nice. >:(

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Absolutely ripping, topping swank

That pretty much describes the band concert we had tonight. Here's Lauren with the latest report:
Dude, Daniel wore a SUIT! I didn't recognize him and then he walks up and makes fun of my outfit (green shirt, green jacket, black jeans, black toed "scribbles" Converse). I was like, "DANIEL?" And he got his haircut. Then Tyrell was talking about how he wanted a suit. And that got us started on swimming trunks (don't ask).
My mom found a cellphone after the concert, but it wasn't mine. And it never would be. Cuz it's someone elses. :( It was nice, too. Hello, Moto.
Sevvie band was pretty good. I messed up once or twice. And my trombone was making a weird vibrating warble. So it sounded angry when I started playing. Lol. Intermediate band was super really good. Which surprised me. For wedgies. But their performance was ripping, absolutely ripping, topping swank. Which I haven't said in a while. I need to start again. I love that phrase. Oh yeah, I was talking about "Capt. Hook" today. And his invincible vest of spider silk. And Mrs. Moon thinks I'm a liar. Or a fiction. That made no sense. Anyway, back to the concert.
I helped put stuff back in the band room. And no one would get out of my way. I swear, everyone closed the doors on purpose when they saw me coming. Then Paul tried to open one, then decided not to. And I was like, "...thanks." Then, after like 6 minutes of toil and struggle and carrying both a chair and a crash cymbal (I think), I finally managed to get into the band room and the guy with the cool checkery hair was like, "Oh, that goes over there, thanks." And the cool drummer Matt guy said thanks. And I was like, "You're welcome..." The cymbal began to fall over. "...I think." I right it. I just realized I know a lot of Matts. Like, 6. Craazy.
I just had a milkshake. It was deceptively milky...and extremely shaky. I also had some Swiss Orange sherbet that I'd frozen on Saturday and was now the consistency of a Push pop. But now it's melted. :(

Those guys are jerks

Lol. The last two days my algebra teacher has been saying that. About the freshman, too. Yeah. Pretty much awesome. Also: apparently Mr. Jansen is a twin. No fair. But his twin is an engineer (like Nathan soon will be), not a junior high math teacher.
We went to the lab AGAIN for the second day in a row. The dead fish are gone. They were either cleaned out or eaten (I wish). And then Ian sat on a broken chair and it fell. But other than that, it was SUPER boring and I couldn't figure out why chloroplasts don't like salt. Then I figured it out during study hall without a pen or worksheet. Darn. I was going to ask the sub for sodium, but she might've killed me. There was a container of water in front of me and I was bored, so sodium seemed like the only way to cure that. Or you could poke elodea leaves. That were wet. And once on your microscope. Then my leaf went in the sink. Chloroplasts are funny and green.
Apparently Toni finds my drawings of remoras disturbing. She at first thought they were headless fish, but then I add eyes. And then I drew a goldfish swimming for cover, but he couldn't find any, so the remoras stuck to him. Sad for you. Oh yeah, Paul came back and I haven't told him about the remoras yet. I need to. But he was busy laughing at me. So he didn't get the medal of valor I found on the chair I was sitting in. (lol, it wasn't gum, it was tape)
HAHAHAHAHAHA, no boring study hall for ME! I got to set up for tonight's CONCERT! I'm sure you're all jealous. As if, it was dumb and we put way too many chairs in each row, and then we thought the second row was the the third row, and we were done in like 15 minutes and had to sit in the bleachers for 20. But then I got to run to the bandroom (which is right across from the gym), grab my trombone and backpack, and run home. I think I made it home at like 2:09. New record.
Sudoku level 2 is hard. I have no skills. :(

Monday, March 20, 2006

First day of spring: pros and cons

I swear, Luke is totally the Easter Bunny. Even though he's evil, demonic, not white/pink/pastel, and probably doesn't like chocolate recreations of himself, he LOVES to pose. I swear, after seeing one episode of Extra on papprazzi, he's convinced humans carry cameras around everywhere. He was all posing while I was trying to catch him, and gave me the evil eye when I didn't take advantage of the wonderful action shots he was giving me. Not only that, he climbs fences (perfect Easter Bunny material. Or secret agent material.), hides in spaces so small a hamster would at the thought of trying to squeeze into one of those, and doesn't care how dirty he gets or if he sits on a spider's nest. Even a poisonous spider's nest. Yeah, so he's either the Easter bunny or a UPS man. Without the shorts.
Soooooo, it's the first day of spring. The weather was actually nice enough for me to NOT wear a coat (YESSSSSSS NO FREAKY WEIRD NAVY BLUE SWEATSHIRT THAT MAKES ME LOOK LIKE THE GIRL ON SEVENTH HEAVEN!!!!!) and to read in my backyard. (the sun actually felt good, since I'm so used to being a recluse in my room like Hal in "Surviving the Applewhites". Hahaha, as if.)
Speaking of homeless people, Mr. Villiers got a haircut cuz he was convinced he looked like one. Maybe he experienced what Earl from "Pickles" did after he grew a fuzzy beard: people gave him money randomly. Actually, that wouldn't be so bad.
I am on a Maddie Finn obsession break. I just finished #7 and #17 (both equally dumb/funny. Lol I love the whole part where Maddie's like, "Maddie Demille. Mrs. Demille. Finnster Demille. Madison Jones. Mrs. Jones.") and now I'm on #18, and after that will come #19 and #20, which I've only read once cuz I just recently got them (I so have to get #21) and then I'll read all my other ones maybe, even tho I've read "Boy, oh boy" and "To Have and to Hold" 20,000 times. Yeah.
I have spring fever. Two more weeks to Spring Break. I'm not going to make it. I'm probably going to die.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rockin out to a garage band

Before I say anything else, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T STRESSED HOW MUCH I HATE SYRACUSE!!!!! All right, I don't hate them, BUT COME ON!!! Losing to a 14 SEED? What's up with THAT? ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGS BEAT INDIANA! INDIANA SO TOTALLY GOT SERVED!!!!!! Who's the man now? Duke could win it all!! HAHAHA! I wasn't home last night, did LSU kill Texas A&M? I hope so. Sorry, Bush, I just like LSU better.
My rabbit has super demon powers. He's learning to climb our chain link fence. And he took the undertaker's position...but it was all a trick and he wasn't dead. Nuts.
Okay, last night, I went to THE best concert I have probably ever been to with two of my FAVORITE bands (Stellar Kart and Falling Up, heck YEAH!) and a band I sort of like (Kutless is better in concert than on a CD, but whatever. Their lead singer needs to learn that he can't rap.), and a band that I'd never heard but are super pretty much awesome (the lead singer wore Cons.). But Amber gave like all my money to Jason, so I could only buy a wristband. :) lol like I care. It was like an old school wristband.
"Legacy" pretty much rocks my sainted socks. I started a new game and now have Mosaik (ADORABLE leopard appaloosa), ZickZack (disturbing name, phenomenal horse: awesome palomino), and Chess (super fast twin sister of Comet, I am so sure). Yeah. That's all I wanted to say. OH! Nathan is burning me "Meatshake". I dunno when, but he is. YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Squished muffins cause indigestion

It's true. I just had one that I got off of Megan and now I never want to hear the word "kidneys" ever again. Man. I forgot my gym clothes at school. Now they're going to smell. Really, really bad. Yeah.
Guess who had a pep assembly today? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It was so lame, though, cuz the judges were so grade discriminating. "Oh, the 8th graders...didn't throw their items. AW, HECK WITH IT! SEVVIES ARE DISQUALIFIED!" -_- I mean, COME ON, what is up with that? And we were WAY louder than them in the loud contest thing (thanks to megaphones, Mrs. Moon, and sugar high girls) than the wedgies (of course freshman were louder than both of us, but that's cuz they populate like half the school and they have drums. Dumbness.) AND they got served in our lil contest. Guess who got third place? Not the wedgies. THE SEVVIES!!!!!!! Mrs. Sours agrees that it was grade discriminating, though. At least...I think she does. :( She WAS laughing at me...
Bla bla bla, IT'S ST. PATRICK'S DAY! Omg, it was so wrong, cuz I was wearing my green jacket and my red sevvie shirt and I totally resembled an olive. Ew. Don't try to eat me.
I think someone is taking my lunch money. Cuz I deposited $10 yesterday and spent $3.25, and today I only had $3 after spending $2.50 on lunch. Let's see...10 - 3.25 = 6.75. 6.75 - 2.25 = 4.50. NOT $3, lunch freak. Seriously, I didn't spend that 1.50, so who the heck DID? Grrr...that ticks me off.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Guess who totally beat Xavier? THE ZAGS DID!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It was so close, then they totally pulled it off and won by like 5. YESSSSSSSSS! Duke's playing Southern tonight (Duke, you're my home state and you're a number 1 seed: YOU BETTER NOT LOSE!!!!) and Washington (HusKIES, HusKIES!) is playing Utah St. and Syracuse I think is playing, not sure, and I kinda forgot who they're playing. Sorry, Carmelo, I forgot the important details of your former team! My apologies.
I haven't said topping swank in a while. Should I start on a mad topping swank fest that's ripping, smashing, and ruddy awesome? I think so.
AAAAAAAAAAAH I FORGOT: Melissa totally got out last night on American Idol. FINALLY! That was what I'd been hoping for. It was between Ace (BOOOO Micheal Jackson impersonator!), Melissa (YOU'RE TONE DEAF AND YOU FORGOT STEVIE'S LYRICS! GO GET ATTACKED BY A REMORA ((which is a suckafish lol))!!), and Lisa (she's good, but Wednesday's performance was reaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad. She was like...pitchy the whole entire time.) (hey, it's all girls in the bottom three! Oh...sorry Ace.) and Ace was safe (duh), then guess who got out? MELISSA! HURRAY! Next, it should be Ace (tone deaf freaky GIRL!) or Kevin, then Kelly. I dislike her. "Kelly, you are what's known as a naughty little minx." I've disagreed with Simon so much this season it's not even funny. When he disses people, I usually agree cuz it's true/good advice, but what's with all the bad performances he's said were topping swank? As if he really says that, but STILL?
Pep assembly tomorrow. I can use my new Madonna dance steps. Lol. And St. Patrick's day. Can't wait.

My man Earl

School was pretty much super awesome today, because it was EARLY RELEASE, but early release days seem to go slower. :( Wait...lunch wasn't so awesome. Because I had two pieces of pizza (one cheese, one pepperoni), chocolate milk, and a "Smiley snack pack" of donuts. Ew. I thought it would be so worth it cuz I'm always so hungry at lunch. It wasn't. Not only that, the cheese pizza was all gross and stale and something was wrong with the sauce. And then I felt like I ate too much. But the pepperoni pizza was better than delicious. And I sat with Daniel for the first time in like forever. He doesn't beat me up anymore. But he eats salad with like a lot of cheese. It's kinda gross. And Donovan was eating this St. Patrick's Day burrito taco wrap thing. It was green. I swear, I thought I was going to throw up my disgusting stale spicy pizza. Lunch is for nourishment, not weight loss, thanks. Then I had to sit with Connor and Zech cuz these really loud/annoying girls stole my table while I was buying donuts. And Kenny came by and was all, "AAAAAH GET AWAY!" I guess being Lord of the Ducks is pretty intimidating. The end of lunch was all worth it. Cuz I ran into this freshman guy. This cool freshman guy. This certain good-looking freshman guy. But then I said, "Whoa, didn't see that one coming," while he was walking away. And he heard me and turned around and was like, "?"
Mrs. Moon has been abandoning us on Thursdays lately. It's kinda sad. But we had a semi-coolo sub. And I totally got all these discussions going about observations and stereotypes by telling stories about the time I asked a guy about alchohol in a hotel and how everyone thinks I'm a guy or they spell my name wrong. And when we were talking about the future actions of the character in the story, I almost got in trouble when I said, "He'd be all, 'Hey, my man Earl!'" Maybe it's because I didn't raise my hand.
I totally wasted my afternoon. :( Seriously, on early release days (aka every rockin Thursday) we get out at 12:30 and I get home about 12:40. But I decided to play "Legacy" and lost track of time for 2.5 hrs. Oh man. But it was slightly worth it. I'm doing really good (I started a new game, and I've won every show. Hehehehe) and I have three horses so far (I FINALLY got rid of Alpha, who was adorable but SLOW, and I GOT COCKY!!!!! I also have a horse named Darling Ox ((I know what's up with that)) who flies on jump courses, and a dumb but cute horse named Windy). But I have to get rid of one every time I want a new one now. :(
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG in PE we had to do this super dumb step aerobics routine. So here I am, blinking dumbfoundedly when this OLD PEOPLE MUSIC starts playing!!!! Okay, it wasn't that bad...but it was pretty bad. Seriously, "Rockin' Robin"? "Crocodile Rock"? WEIRD AND SCARY 80'S TUNES???????? But I had to do the exercises or it was detention. So Sam and I were doing these total Madonna moves that were slightly amusing. But it really stunk when Mr. Eathorne ended class early to let all the freshmen watch us. And they were all, "OMG YOU'RE DOING SO GOOD! HAHAHA!" Aaaaaaaaah I'd rather die. Then at the end we were doing these weird yoga poses where we had to raise our arms, so I was all, "Now put your hands in the air! And wave 'em like you just don't care. And if you think that Kelly is the best, let me hear you say, 'Oh yeah!' (Oh yeah!)" But I didn't get to start on the second verse. Cuz class was over and we got a 5 minute lecture on participation. And I'd forgotten the "sisters from New Delhi" part.
BULK AND SKULL ARE AWESOME! Yeah, I recently watched total old school Power Rangers.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How to dismantle an atomic bomb

We had to do this science lab today on cheek cells. Lol, it was pretty awesome, but I couldn't figure out where the stupid cells were. Then Mr. Griffith was all, "They're the orange things." Things I'd been staring at for three whole minutes. I'm sooooo mensa. When I was done, I watched the fish. There was a dead one on the bottom. I swear, he wasn't moving and he'd been in the same position, gills not pumping, for 10 minutes. Another one was trying to commit suicide by lying on the bottom and not breathing. But then he'd tip over or have to start breathing again. And those fish disappointed me by not eating their dead brother. :( That's no fun. As I was walking out, I saw Mr. Walker and I was gonna tell him, but what would I say? "Uh, Mr. Walker, one of your fish died. Oh yeah, and I think you better clean their fish tank, cuz another's trying to commit suicide." That would've gone over well. But Mr. Walker's cool like that. And smart. One day he's going to blow us all up with an atomic bomb. Or he'll build one and dismantle it. Like a U2 album. Lol.
Nathan is a liar. I can't find his blog. Just thought I'd say that.
"Shall we have some tea?" "Oh yes, that would be lovely." "I love tea in the afternoon." "I love tea, but we have to boil it." I swear, Nicholas Roget-King is like the best actor I have ever seen. And he's only 5 or something. I wonder if I could buy him off Ebay.
WHO BEAT "LEGACY"? Uh...THAT WOULD BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA! It was awesome, I was doing SUPER bad in the Kingswood Tournament thing, but my magic locket that my grandma gave me and lucky horseshoe prevented me from LOSING AND I GOT 3RD! Which is REALLY GOOD for all you snickering bystanders. But it stunk, tho, cuz I had to ride Cindy in the tournament cuz she was the only horse I had that was 100% health when Queen's way faster. But whatever. We still won. And we kicked Melissa's butt in steeplechase. The end was super lame, tho. I ended up with John (YESSSSSS) and got Rosemond Hill from Mr. Willoughby or whatever, but it ended with me and John dancing. And there's a sequel to "Legacy" about Annie's sister Emma, but Annie is a waitress. HELLO? WHAT HAPPENED TO ROSEMOND HILL? WHAT ABOUT ALPHA? Dude, I'm so playing that game again cuz I WANT COCKTAIL! And maybe some different horses. Let's see...if I win each show...Cocktail, Cindy, unknown, Queen or Winner, and no horses after Kingswood. :(
Dude, what this blog needs is a link to an UGLY DUCKLING SONG! Or the REMORAS SONG! Chipmunks have enlisted the squirrels...but the ducks have the remoras. Lol, nm, it has to do with the war I have going on with Paul. Chipmunks vs. ducks. Ducks probably losing, but no one cares cuz they came first and everyone likes them more.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"He didn't like your use of triplets in that rythm."

Did I spell rythm right? It looks wrong. Whatever, that's what Nathan said during dinner when William commented on my remora song, which basically goes as follows.
Remoras, remoras, I love the remoras, remoras, remoras, remoras are good.
But William said it was gross. When remoras are the sucker fish (lol suckafish) that stick to sharks like...those things that are plastic and stick with air? Whatever.
Interesting day again. Alex FINALLY stopped dissing my ducks (I don't really have ducks, but I stand on behalf of all ducks.) and Yoda and even acknowledged my ability to make him feel pain: "DON'T HURT ME!" And I didn't cuz I was laughing and walking too fast. Hehehehe.
Lol, my algebra teacher blew up so bad today. Well, he wasn't really mad, just frustrated, and he was kinda laughing, but it was unexpected from him. He was ranting about the evil sub that calls me a young man and stuff: "DID HE GIVE YOU THE CHAPTER TEST?" "Um...yes?" "HOW FRUSTRATING!" Then he calmed down and was like, "Oh, have you been running?" In fact, I had been. Not from the freshman that want me dead. We had a 12 minute run today. 16 laps, one better than last time. BOOYA!!
Apparently Nathan gots a blog. I wanna go read it. But not yet. Just thought I'd say that.
Note: Even though I will never see EITHER of these movies, Justin Bartha of "National Treasure" fame (aka Riley. YESSS!) is in "Failure to Launch" and Emilie de Raven is in "The Hills Have Eyes". I hope she dies first. Actually, that's mean, and besides, I don't think she does, cuz in the commercial, she's all (in a not-Australian accent), "WHERE'S MOMMA?" And then that scary hill miner person is like, "Hehe. Hehehe. Hehehe."
I had tomorrow's Twinkie today. :( It was good though. I did a paper on genetics. Billy read it and is convinced as I am that bunnies will take over the world. That's all, pretty much just like peace out.
Remoras, remoras, remoras, remoras...

Monday, March 13, 2006

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Lol, everyone at Youth Group hates my guts now. Hahaha. I find it highly amusing.
No, really, I swear, check out this link. It's probably the coolest thing you'll ever see in your lifetime: Note: It might take a little while to load. It did on my cpu, anyway. And then Nathan refreshed it. And it took longer. :(
Okay. I haven't been on in three days cuz 1. I've become addicted to the infamous/unheard of cpu game "Legacy of Rosemond Hill". It has THE worst graphics ever and the main character (that you have to be. Btw, it's a girl; no choosing sexes.) is really stupid, but I swear, it's the funnest game I've ever played. For now. whatever. Also 2. Yesterday I was going to write, but the previous day, I spent probably a good 4 hours of my 10 hour day (woke up at 10, went to bed at 10) playing "Legacy" and I felt really guilty cuz I hadn't read my Bible at all, even though my schedule was totally empty (like in the Stellar Kart song "Spending Time") and I told God I would spend time with him and not go on the computer at all whatsoever, along with forgoing my video game and Gameboy (like I play that anymore) priveleges as well. But it was all good.
Saturday: My bunny goes officially AWOL for 15 or so minutes. Then my dad discovers he's under the wood pile platform. But he won't come out. So we have to wait for him. He did it again today and I got so mad that I just left him out there. Eventually he got hungry and started eating grass OUTSIDE THE PLATFORM (or rather, out from under), but when he saw Dad, he freaked out and ran under the platform. I REALLY hate that rodent. >:(
Um...starting a novel. About a farm. Yeah. Don't ask. But it's awesome. I think that's probably my life aspiration: to become either a novelist/author/writer like the depressed kid in my book/whatever or a farmer. As long as I can wait till 5 to get up. Cuz on Harvest Moon, the animals don't wake up till 6. It's all a lie. Which isn't very nice.
School: Interesting. My mom's still teaching HIV/AIDS training in all the 7th and smoe of the 8th grade science classes. She's cool, but everyone seriously acts like I don't know who she is. "OMG, LAUREN, THAT'S YOUR MOM!" "I KNOW, Alex." "LAUREN, THAT'S YOUR MOM!" "Thanks Tim." "Dude, last year, I asked if you had to eat a monkey to get AIDS!" "Seriously?" Yeah. Basically. Freshman guys: still weird/Zanth obsessed/semi good-looking/very good-looking.

Friday, March 10, 2006

No school day wasted by 13-year-old Harvest Moon prodigy

Let's see:
Today, I slept in till 10:00, had breakfast, read the comics, went on the cpu, ate lunch, listened to ALOT of music (okay okay, two CDs), and now I'm back on the cpu. And the day is basically over. I still have to practice, but I feel as tho the day was wasted. Maybe that's just me.
I still have that undeniable urge to make cookies. Chocolate chip cookies, to be precise. Exact. Topping swank. Whoa, where'd that come from? Bunco tonight. Only *sniff* 5 HOURS AWAY! I can't wait that long! And I have a bunch of library books, but they're all kinda boring. Actually, those sappy Nancy Drews look promising, but "The Animal Family", the weird book about witches and Puritans, and the whole Oz series look veeeeeeeeeeeery boring. Unless I can get through "Ozma of Oz". Don't get me wrong, I actually love this book. It's just that I've read it...3 or 4 times. And Dorothy's accent BOTHERS ME! Maybe I just don't like Kansasans. But I can't say that to my dad. Kansas is his Texas. Don't mess with Texas. Which reminds me of Bucky...whom I don't exactly want to think about.
Um...I practiced the drum parts for "Life is good"........and that's it. I'm not skilled yet. But I've got the basic drum beat down. I think. Like that white girl who was all, "I can lay down a beat and rap." It's like, "I'm white, and I CAN'T lay down a beat and rap!" I can't dance, either. WPCD: white people can't dance. But I can dance superioror to what I could before. I just like...was able and it was like...*about to quote "Sky High"* BAM! Will: Well, that's great...what is it? Zack: You'll have to wait and see like everyone else. Come on, it's not like you've ever powered up in front of us.
Must practice piano. Cuz I actually enjoy it. See ya.

American Idol - who I hate and more

Yes, I happen to be a HUGE American Idol addict. But what made me SUPER mad last night is some of my favorite people didn't make it, some of the bad-I-only-stay-here-cuz-I-don't-wear-much-clothing people did, and one time it was between two of my favorite people and only one could make it. Anyway...
Judges: I hate Paula. A lot. She's tone deaf, wears clothes that make her body look thirty and her 89, and has to be nice to everyone. Even the people that stunk.
Randy is cool. And he used to be in a band. Nuff said.
Simon could've been my older brother in another life. I seriously agree with everything (all right, most everything; I thought what he said about Kelly being a naughty little minx was a lie. I dislike her.) he says. And he's British. But anti-American. I think he'd be good friends with Billie Joe.
Girls: I liked Ayla, but she's gone. :( Now the only people I like are Lisa, Mandisa (heck yes), Paris ("I love you, Chicken Little!"), and Catherine. Kelly is like the next Carrie Underwood. No, that's not a good thing. I didn't like Carrie Underwood either. And Melissa's not very good. She shouldn't have gotten through.
Guys: Gedeon got out - THAT MADE ME SOOOOO MAAAAAAAD! It's like, COME ON, you could've voted out Ace (he's full of himself, ugly, AND he can't sing. Wth, Micheal Jackson? Looooser. LOL, that was totally "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody": "He may have been a Windsor, but you are a loooooser.") and Kevin (not very good, sings like a 16-year-old opera wannabe, and isn't sexy/a sex symbol, which is just gross. Paula, you're 89, leave the boy alone.), but noooooo, you had to vote out my favorite guy (well, not my favorite; everyone besides Ace, Kevin, and Will were my favorite ((minus the people (((minus Patrick, loved him))) who got out))). I actually LIKED his smile and he can sing better than the average MICHEAL JACKSON LOSER NAMED ACE WHO'S A TOTAL FREAK AND I HATE HIS HAIR AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!! I love Taylor! I dance just like that. And he plays wicked harmonica. And he's pro Easter bunny. Bucky is hilarious. "Chicken is chicken and biscuit is biscuit. When I open up a menu here, it's like French." And he has a twin brother, which totally surprised me. Only I can actually tell them apart. :O Whoa I must be like MAGIC or something. Chris is awesome. He should totally sing for Lighthouse or something. Elliot = total hottie. And he's probably the best male vocalist on the whole show. LOL, he looks just like my brother. Only without the beard. Yeah.
Whoa, what was with Bo's performance last night? He was like flat the whole time (didn't I say that in my last post? *shrugs* Whatever.). Only I got in trouble when I suggested he might be drunk. Sorry.
Something that has nothing to do with American Idol: "Here comes Heavenly" is seriously the best book I've ever read. Besides "The Princesses of Atlantis" and "Capt. Hook". Yeah. But seriously. She's like, a pixie or something who likes heavy metal. Pretty much sweet. I the only person on this planet who's bothered by Korn? *at a Korn concert* Lead singer: "AAAAAAAAAAAH I DID IT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND! THEN I KILLED HER!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *does a crowd dive* LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *bass player does a Brian Calcara* *lead singer does Gene Simmons tongue thing* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Weathermen lie (it's proven)

I woke up this morning, all happy and hoping there would be a 2 hour delay. Guess what - THERE WASN'T! Of course, I shouldn't have got my hopes up. In fact, I stopped believing in snow quite a while ago. But COME ON! It was an early release day (Thursday) and there had been a two hour delay, there only would've been 3 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES OF SCHOOL! But no. They gave us a whole 2 hours more. :( Not fair. I hate weathermen. They're rotting liars.
Anyway. School. Um, I laughed my head off in LAR/SS block. Can't say why. Would get in huge trouble.
Uhhhhh.......................................I HAD PIZZA! Well, that's exciting to me! I LOVE pizza! :( I can't think of anything that happened today. Oh yeah.
My algebra teacher ROX so bad. Seriously, he actually called this one kid retarded and that's something you don't expect from a Santa-like nice guy who could beat you up. And he gave us this WASL question that was SUPER EASY! It's my first year of WASL testing and if it's this easy, I get 2 ELECTIVES NEXT YEAR! WHOOOOO! FRENCH AND ADVANCED BAND, HERE I COME! Yes, I'm taking French. Spanish is lame.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

School daaaaaaaaze

About today: Was NOT in any way normal. Not only is my mom still at school (pretty cool, except for everyone telling me she's my mom. Like I don't know. Um, duh, I've known her for several, make that 13!!!!!!!! Duh.), but we had a loooooooooong fire drill today. It all started when we started smelling this acrid disgusting stench in science 1st period. So my science teacher (I got a cool science teacher this semester. He has one hair on his head and likes to call us all muffins. :) ) picks up the phone and calls the front office (and possibly the fire department, I'm not sure), telling them there's possibly a fire downstairs. So the fire alarm goes off - BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! - and everyone runs outside. I had to lug ALL my stuff around with me, including my rotting backpack. But it was awesome cuz the first person I run into as soon as I exit the building? Oh yeah. A hot freshman. Which is rare. For freshman. ANYWAY. We had to stand outside for like half an hour, then go into the gym (there were all these firetrucks and police officers outside. I waved and asked for a burger. They just laughed at me like that guy from Fedex when I asked him about French benefits) so we could waaaait for a long time till the building was safe. 9:05: the building is safe. So THEN my whole science class went into the home ec room and waited. 2nd period was almost over, even tho we hadn't even started it. But instead of letting us go to third period (PE for me, which I actually LIKE), they made us go to 2nd period for 20 minutes (a complete waste of time), THEN go to 3rd period for 20 minutes, then everything was back on schedule. Dumbness.
So at PE, I'm FINALLY all dressed when the scary gym teacher (a woman, btw, or she wouldn't be allowed in the locker room) comes in and says, "PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON! We're not suiting up today!" Thanks for that. So I spend another few minutes throwing my clothes BACK ON, then running out the door semi-Conless. We ended up playing basketball. I can't shoot very well - something I definitely need to work on - but I can dribble pretty good. Guess when class ended: RIGHT as I got up the courage to play Bump with the freshman and other kids from my class. Shoot.
I must've been more tired than I thought I was cuz as soon as I got home, I turned on the cpu, saw it didn't work, and started screaming how much I hated its ruddy guts. It turns out the cpu wasn't ON. Nice going, genius.
I REALLY feel the need to make cookies. It's like some Betty Crocker urge lying deep within me. The cookie dough calls my name... It's caaaalling me... :( We don't have chocolate chips. Dumbness. Oh. I DO have a whole sweet pile of lovely books that's like 3 feet high. Topping swank good form, oppidan scugs. Ripping, absolutely ripping.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nice crunchy dog tags - Yum!

How come I always get inspired right after I get off line...and after about 10 minutes of pure Solitaire? Anyway...
I realized people don't like to talk to me. Even if we are linked by alphabetical order...or the instrument known as THE DRUM SET!!! (*cough cough JASON cough cough*) Oh well. Go eat a dog tag.
Actually, I won't say that, cuz I like dog tags. I had one, but it was gross and fake and sparkly and it had a HEART on it and I was like, "...NO!!" I can't find any cool ones, but I would wear one. Like the one in my ATF book that says "Mad Dog Branzillo" after the "A Swiftly Tilting Planet" character dude man.
About the people thing...actually, some people talk to me. Of course, Daniel also beats me up, but whatever, I always win and one time I almost broke his nose. It was kinda funny but he got really mad and kept glaring at me in disbelief. Then he wasn't mad, but his nose hurt. It was your fault, don't hold that trumpet case so close to your nose. Oh yeah, and Alex makes fun of ducks and Yoda cuz he knows I HATE THAT!!! So I attempted to hurt him in PE. It didn't work. He was cracking up and "protecting himself" while I was trying to knee him to death. Ooooh, I can see the headlines now: SEVENTH GRADER KNEES FELLOW STUDENT TO DEATH FOR INSULTING JEDI MASTER. They didn't even mention the DUCKS! >:( That's not very nice. :(

"Stevie Wonder was. Look at him now..."

Lol, that's what I said when I was talking to my mom during our recent little walk. We were being stalked by a black cat (well, my mom was; it kept running it front of her, slamming against her legs, getting stepped on, and lying on the sidewalk in front of her) and I asked if I should spit over my shoulder (I'm not superstitious; that was a smelly cat. Then I should say spit/puke.) The following converstion ensued.
Mom: No, I'm not worried.
Me: Stevie Wonder was. Look at him now.
Mom: Yeah. A millionare...
Me: ...with ugly hair. AND he's blind!

Yeah. Anyways...
BACK AT SCHOOL! I could've written yesterday, but nothing really exciting happened. And I didn't want to. And I was tired. And I'd just gone to the library and acquired a plastic bag stuffed full for my efforts. Topping swank.
Today, however: My friend came back after a few months of goneness. I almost got robbed by a freshman (they switched to their account while the lunchlady was typing in my 10.00 check. Get your own, drooly.). I practiced doing the Matrix with a bunch of guys in my LAR/SS block. We couldn't go very far. OH! And I'm COMPLETELY done with my rainforest essay. Now I have to make up a lot of science and a 12 minute run. CURSES!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I think I caught this weird not having anything to write about from Emily. -_- Oh well, now that I'm going back to school, I'll actually have something to write about. And my mom's going to be there teaching. Oh well, that'll be interesting. And temporary. I keep getting reminded of that by all my teachers, especially my PE teacher, who STILL calls me "Ms. Lesley". "Ms. Lesley's not here today?" "Um, I'm right here, and there IS an h." "Right, Ms. Lesley."
I suddenly have "Back in the day" stuck in my head. At least that means Grits is no longer in there.
....but it's all gravy, in third yesterday, I'm gonna ask out the lady, I got my paper and my pencil, now whoop, here I go. "Will you go out with me, check yes or no." I'm feeling all slick when I handed her out the note. "I told you ten times already no. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" "But-"

:O NOT topping swank!

Okay. Aside from that...nothing? Oh yeah, school tomorrow. :P But it's only a four day week. Yay! And I need to write notes for our "encouragement envelopes". And...youth band and stuff? Ooh, busy day. Yeah, that's kinda it...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

March Madness vs. the Academy Awards...Stewie refs

I FORGOT! I COMPLETELY FORGOT! It's MARCH MADNESS, everybody!!!! How could I forget that??? I'M GOING CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm better now. Anyway, I just wanted to cheer on my four favorite teams:
Gonzaga (duh, love you Zags), Duke, Huskies (my home team), and Syracuse (Carmelo used to play for them)
The Oscars are tomorrow. Like I care. Who in their right minds, would sit down on their couch in front of their TV for 7 hours watching Felicity Huffman walk around without a top? Okay, with half a top? Guess which half? I'll give you a hint: it's not the top half. Are we cool? Okay? Okay. Actually, if I have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, save practice, and try to find a book to read for 75 minutes of my precious life (I've read "Lightsabers" several times, don't think I'm gonna read it again), I might watch the Oscars.
The Red M&M dude says never be without an entourage. Um, okay, there's Blizzard, the limited time edition Queen Amidala action figure, Lil BK Mace, Aslan... *glares at giggling "Desperate Housewife" stars* Shut up! So my entourage consists of stuffed animals and Star Wars collectibles! At least Queen Amidala has flawless skin, EVA! *Eva Longoria slinks away*
Lol, in my supreme boredom, yesterday, I actually played "Harvest Moon". It's, um, quite boring. Yeah. That's all I have to say.

Friday, March 03, 2006

"I've devoted my life to anime after having contracted cholera..."

Notice the quotation marks. Meaning I didn't really say that (it's actually from a Princess Diaries book). And I probably never will, because I greatly dislike anime (or most of it) and would rather watch "Ellen" than "Ranma". Of course that makes my dad kinda mad.
Guess what...I MISSED FOUR DAYS OF SCHOOL THIS WEEK! Today would be my fourth. Now William has cholera, too. We both feel disgusting. Or maybe that's because we had ice cream for breakfast after my mom went to work.
Is it true that all computers hate me? Because I can't get on AIM on this stupid thing. >:( Curse you, pop up blocker!
Darn. Sarai was right. After a month of no Blogger, video games, or "Josie and the Pussycats" (my loss), it all seems kind of pointless. All the exceedingly witty things I'm sure I had in mind no longer exist. I need a burger.